Muncie Chapter #104

Order of the Eastern Star

Muncie Chapter #104 (Chartered in 1890) meets at Muncie Masonic Hall, located at 3685 N. Shrine Dr., Muncie, IN  47303.


Our Chapter meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of June and November, we do not meet in January and July, all other months we meet the 1st Tuesday of the month. Chapter opens at 7pm.  Business Casual attire is appropriate.


We meet occasionally for dinner at 6pm prior to the meeting, be sure to check the Calendar!  All members are welcome.  Meeting dates where there is no dinner preceding the meeting, we gather in the Fellowship Hall for light refreshment after our stated meeting.


Special meetings will be added to the Calendar throughout the year, so check back often!  For more information about our meetings, please contact Shelley Fey at 765-730-9265 or Robert Fey at 765-749-6059.

See the Events Calendar here

Indiana O.E.S.